Lawn Maintenance

The following tips are answers to a few of the most frequently asked questions regarding the everyday maintenance of a lawn. We hope that by following these few tips as closely as possible, you will allow your lawn to achieve its highest potential, combined with the services that we provide. 


Is is important to note that the best time of the day to water is between the hours of 5 am – 10 am, watering in the evening tends to leave the turf moist for a prolonged period of time which can induce fungal activity and eventually lead to diseased turf. However, if this timetable does not fit into your demanding schedule, then you should water when possible watering each area of your lawn for a period of 25 – 30 minutes each, every 2 – 3 days is usually a safe interval depending upon rainfall amounts and the climate.  As the climate cools in late September, watering can often be reduced to as little as once per week.


A rule of thumb is to keep the lawn at a height of about 2 ½ inches and mow frequently enough so that you do not remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade at any one mowing. During the Summer you may even maintain the lawn at 3 inches to allow the leaf blade to retain more moisture and properly defend itself from heat / drought stress.

Be sure to mow with a sharp mower blade, the cut should be clean with no shredding or tearing of the grass blade. If the lawn grows extremely long, perhaps due to your absence, do not cut it back all at once, this will lead to shock and can severely weaken, or even kill the lawn. Cut it back in 2 or 3 separate mowings, approximately 3 to 4 days apart from one another.